Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 0- Whole30 Challenge

So, I am starting the Whole30 challenge tomorrow.  A few months ago, Nick's doctor suggested he try a gluten and dairy free diet.  He researched and decided that the paleo diet might be interesting to try.  At first, I thought that I might be willing to try it as long as I could still eat greek yogurt and oatmeal on the side.  But as I read more blogs and articles written by other people who struggle with emotional eating, I noticed that many people had breakthroughs while doing the Whole30 challenge.  So, Nick and I agreed to start it as soon as we moved into our new house.  I know that this will be hard so I wanted to jot down a few reasons why I'm committed to this goal.  I might need to look back for inspiration soon:
  1.  I am going to have more energy and actually feel like I'm in my 20s.
  2. I will get a better night's sleep.
  3. Cooking dinner will be low stress since I've already planned and prepped the meals.  I'm hoping this high level of organization will spill over into other areas of my life. 
  4. Hollin will be eating healthy home-made baby food.  Since I'm cooking a lot of fresh veggies, It will be so convenient to mix some up for him. 
  5. Nick and I are taking this journey together and it will bring us closer together.
  6. Nick and I will learn from this experience and lead a healthier lifestyle from this point on.
  7. This is a challenge, so when I successfully complete this month I am going to feel like a rock star. 


  1. I have heard great things about paleo through some friends whi are into the crossfit gyms. good luck!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! I <3 you guys!
